3N6 COMMUNICATIONS is an enterprising, strategic, creative communications agency. We like to work with people who dare to forge new paths and believe in mutual inspiration. 3N6 is from the word engineering's abbreviation and it's reflection. From engineering to artistic work. Our strategists and creatives work closely together on brands and campaigns. We bring in additional experts when necessary. We therefore contribute in a broad way, from brand concepts and creative strategies to concrete campaigns, materials, and even new services and products.
3N6 COMMUNICATIONS是具專業知識的創意設計團隊。3N6名稱是由ENG(工程ENGINEERING)鏡射而來。 意指除了熱情感性的設計溝通能力外,更兼具沈穩理性的策劃能力。溝通是一切的核心!透過溝通瞭解每個客戶的獨特需求, 提供完整行銷策略與有效執行方案,進而提升客戶產品價值或企業形象的最終目的。